This is a collection of exploratory illustrations, and designs focused on a near future where genetically engineered house pets exist.
The first several illustrations were done to explore and capture the moon of the pets. I was interested in exploring what kinds of mischief they might get up to. This helped me form a series of narratives that delve into their world.
After exploring these creatures through illustration, I moved into individual design. I started by trying to empty my head of all the shapes and forms that were knocking around while illustrating. Then I picked several to refine further.
Along the way the idea of “dog catchers” entered my mind so I spent some time exploring them. Not nearly as in depth as the creatures, but enough to convey a sense that these animals might pose a higher threat than your average house pet.
I also wanted to put these animals in a space and through a cinematic lens.
Finally some ideas for tech fell out of my head. They are interned to have a mid-century, future aesthetic.